White River Elementary PTO
August 2019 General Board Meeting Minutes
August 15, 2019, Media Center
Call to order 3:00 p.m. by Taylor Lintelman
Board members present: Taylor Lintelman, Christine McNelis, Colleen Thomas, Stephanie Farmer, Erin Freestone, Calie VanDermark, Ginger Jimenez
Committee Chairs - Taylor Lintelman
goal is to have every committee have a co-chair
Treasury Update: Christine McNelis
Budget was approved in May at executive mtg
No questions
Principal Update, Calie VanDermark/Ginger Jimenez
2019-20 white river shirts will be on TNT promotions so parents can order. Goes live tomorrow (8/16)
Media Center Update, Erin Freestone
The furniture is ordered, collaborative tables and chairs, couch seating area
Eagle Extravaganza, Stephanie Farmer
Fundraiser with family event, packet goes out tomorrow
Advance tix sale begins sept 2nd
Will need volunteers
Need online auction donation requests
Anyone can donate via paypal link towards overall goal
Book Fair, Colleen Thomas
Preview days M-T, Shopping days, W-F, Set up day tomorrow
Need more volunteers Wed and Thurs afternoon shifts
Volunteers: Taylor Lintelman
Family Dance, moms and dads welcome
Calendar, Taylor Lintelman
Distributed printed snapshot of August - December
Goal is for PTO to be inviting and inclusive
Bridge the gap between parents and teachers
Less responsibilities on teachers
raise more money
General Comments/Questions session:
School supply kit update: 62 kits sold.
What else can we do to convince people that it’s cheaper
10% discount in coming year, can be added to PTO profit.
Ideas: provide cost comparison kit vs walmart
stress that it is a fundraiser
Corrie: asked for explanation of each committee, how much work is involved
we need a document for that that can be shared, including dates, what the job involves
More weekend evening events for students in sports (late spring) possibly family field day on a Saturday in spring
Classroom coordinator party ideas
possibly all same craft per grade
Provide lead parent list of inexpensive game ideas as a jumping off point.
WRE pinterest board for each grade level with ideas for games.
Next meeting is Nov 4th (additionally: Feb 13th, Apr 13th, May 11th)
Meeting adjourned at 3:42 p.m.
Minutes compiled by Colleen Thomas, Secretary