Staff appreciation- We are in need of some volunteers to plan the staff appreciation events. This will involve getting small tokens of appreciation for various staff members throughout the year. You will work with the PTO with your budget. Please fill out this form.
Box tops- Are you shopping online for grocery delivery? You can still earn box tops! Forward the receipt to receipts@boxtops4education from the same e-mail your Box Top account is set up with.
Fall leaf decorating contest- Calling all in person and online students. We are having a fall leaf decorating contest. Let your imagination run wild for this fun craft. You can print out a picture of leaves and color it. You can gather leaves and make an art project. The options are limitless! Please e-mail your submissions to and the deadline is 10/30. All pictures will be posted on the PTO’s social media unless requested not to in the e-mail. Judging will take place the first week of November.
Community Rewards- Did you know that WRE earns money from Kroger Community Rewards? If you are a Kroger shopper, please consider linking your Kroger Plus Account with our school. Kroger requires re enrollment every year.
