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Newsletter #5

Spirit Week Winner- Congratulations to Mrs. Potter’s class for being the winner in our Spirit Week contest. They will receive a $25 gift card for classroom supplies.

We hope all the students had fun participating in the daily themes. We certainly enjoyed seeing them show pride for their school.

Fall Festival and Fun Run- The Fall Festival and Fun Run is Oct 29th 9-11 at the WRE cross country course.

Staff Lunch- Thank you to all who donated the abundance of food for feeding our staff during conferences. This can be such a busy time for them and we were happy to provide meals for them.

Box Tops Winners- Congratulations to our winners of the Box Tops contest!

1st Place- Mrs Gunning

2nd Place- Mrs. Weiss

3rd Place- Mrs. Isaacs

Spirit Night- Thank you to all who participated in our Spirit Night at Chick Fil A. Thank you to Lorie Baker for coordinating these great events for our school.

Book Fair- A special thank you to all of the wonderful volunteers that helped with the Book Fair. This event would not have been possible without your help!

Upcoming Events- Family Reading Night-November 17th, 6-7:30pm for grades K-2.

Activity Night- November 4th, 6:30-8:30p(all grade levels)

PTO General Meeting- You have a voice and matter to the success of our school. Please consider joining us for our next general meeting that follows our “GAMES” theme this year. We will meet November 14th at 3:45pm.

Volunteers- We need you! Can you help from home? Can you donate some of your time? Please visit our website and sign up if you can help serve our students and school in any possible way. We appreciate you, and the reason for our success is because of parent volunteers! Sign up here-

Connect with Us- Don’t forget there are multiple ways to keep in touch and know about all the latest events.



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or search for “White River Elementary P.T.O.”

Don’t forget the numerous ways you can donate to the PTO just by shopping!

Link your Kroger ( and Marsh ( cards to support WRE PTO! Clip Box Tops, Tyson Labels, Labels for Education, and Coke Rewards and turn in so we can benefit from these programs!

© 2016 White River Elementary PTO

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