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Newsletter #3

Rock the River- A big “Thank You” for the amount of support we received during this fundraiser. We enjoyed seeing the students each morning and hope they had fun participating. We are still adding to our total count as the donations are still coming in daily via mail. Our all school celebration will take place on Friday, September 9th.

Box Tops- We are currently in our first Box Tops contest of the year. Clip and send those box tops in until September 23rd, when this contest ends. Winning classes will be rewarded with a special snack for the fall party:

1st Place- Pizza

2nd Place- Ice Cream

3rd Place- Popcorn

PTO Meeting- We encourage you to take part of the fun changes happening in the PTO this year! Our first meeting is September 19th and will be going along with our “Games” theme for the year. We plan on this being a fun, interactive time where you can get to know your teachers and staff better while meeting fellow parents as well. Refreshments will also be served. All first time attendees will be entered in a drawing for a small gift-card! Bring your kids, bring a friend and come join the fun in the LGI Room at 6:00pm!

Book Fair- Our fall Book Fair will run from September 22-30. Students love this event and we are happy to help encourage the love of reading. As always, this is an event for every student and we could use all the help possible to keep things running smoothly. If you are able to volunteer please reach out to Sarah Disser (

Jack O’Lantern Jog- The second annual Jack O’Lantern Jog is scheduled for the morning of October 29th. Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details!

Community Rewards- Have you linked your Kroger Plus card to the school? Marsh’s Fresh IDEA card can also be linked.

This week’s feature is…… Red Robin! Help our school raise money all year long with Burgers for Better Schools™! It’s free to join and easy to participate. All you have to do is become a Red Robin Royalty member, select our school, and Red Robin will donate 1% of all purchases you make at participating locations. Learn more at

PLUS! September 8-18th donations are increased to 5% of your check!

Volunteers- We need you! Can you help from home? Can you donate some of your time? Please visit our website and sign up if you can help serve our students and school in any possible way. We appreciate you, and the reason for our success is because of parent volunteers!

Family Reading Night- Mark your calendars for November 17th from 6:00-7:30 pm. We will have a great evening celebrating families and reading together! Reading Night is for families of students in grades K-2.

Connect with Us- Don’t forget there are multiple ways to keep in touch and know about all the latest events.



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or search for “White River Elementary P.T.O.”

© 2016 White River Elementary PTO

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