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Kroger Community Rewards

WRE Kroger shoppers you are the best! Here is the latest report that we received from Kroger:

Your supporters (22 households) who shopped at Kroger between 1-1-2016 and 3-31-2016 (Cycle 2016, Qtr 1) have contributed to your $416.27 total donation. Your organization will be receiving a Kroger check in this amount within 30 days from 4-21-2016. If you have any questions, please visit our website at Thank you for your continued support of your local Kroger store.

Thank you, Community Rewards Staff

The more families that shop at Kroger and link to WRE for community rewards, the more our school will benefit. Please consider signing up to help our school!

© 2016 White River Elementary PTO

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